
What are key qualities needed for successful implementation?

Experienced Management: Onsite Power Partners have installed a record number of successful CHPs across Canada Reliable Equipment and Good Maintenance Program: We source and work with the best, most experienced interdisciplined team of experts from equipment manufacturing to engineering to maintenance.  Correct Sizing: Onsite Power Partners has sophisticated software to help optimize capital cost, useful output, fuel consumption and % utilization

How does Onsite Power Partners CHP solution reduce GHG emissions?

GHG Savings from 220kW CHP UNIT (annual) CROWN MODEL Alberta Generation by Fuel From Displaced Grid Power 1,210 MWh x 0.54852 tCO2e/MWh = 664 From Displaced Natural Gas 5,821 GJ x 0.0506 tCO2e/GJ = 295 Gross GHG Reduction = 958 Increase in GHG from CHP Fuel 11,206 GJ x 0.0506 tCO2e/GJ = (567) Net Decrease (tCO2e) in Year 1 = 391 Total Contract Decrease (tCO2e) = 3,912 Alberta's electricity sector produces more GHG emissions than any other province because of its size and reliance on coal-fired generation. In 2016, Alberta's power sector generated 45.2 MT CO2e emissions, or 58% of total Canadian GHG emissions from power generation. Crown's CHP solution reduces emissions by reducing The Derrick's power mix away from coal and re-captures waste heat.  

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